Thursday 27 June 2013

National Standards data publication delayed.

There has been a delay in the publishing of school by school data on the Ministry of Education's website until the end of July. A significant number of school annual reports have not been received or processed yet and potentially a large amount of data will need to be removed from these reports in order to protect student privacy. Clearly the final published data will be incomplete and even less reliable and valid for use to make between-school comparisons. Which begs the question of why it is even published in this way in the first instance?

Thankfully with the assessment tools and processes we use, teachers know far more about your child’s achievement than National Standards can tell you. That is why we prefer to hold learning conferences where you can discuss with your child's teacher specific assessment results and what their next steps for learning are going to be to help them make further progress. Please make sure you book a time online by Thursday 4 July.